Worldwide Recess Day: #Take10

Who else agrees that recess was one of the best things about elementary school? From the monkey bars to tether ball, it was all about getting outside, burning off some excess energy and having fun!

Now that I work inside all day…plus some of the night, taking a ten minute break can be hard to come by – but even more important for staying healthy. So as part of Keen’s Recess is Back program, I challenge you to take a 10 minute break on September 14th to get outside! Whether you walk to the Starbucks ten blocks away instead of the one around the corner or you go for a short run – or you could even play office hopscotch – just do something, anything…come’on its RECESS!

So how about it? Who wants to play today?

Recess Day Keen

Mixing it up and moving to Portland!

I’m back! Sorry everyone for the short hiatus from posting. I recently took a new job in Portland, Oregon and have been crazy busy with the transition. Last week I moved north to the big city into a studio apartment – man did I have to downsize my stuff! It’s amazing how much crud you can accumulate in a few years, but the purge felt good…real good!

After a few days as a new, very lost & lonely urbanite, I am finally settling in or I have at least found the grocery store, set up internet and a located good place for a run and a cold drink. Here is a photo from my first run through Washington Park. I think I’m going to like it here!

Washington Park, Mac Trail, Portland

With this big change, you can expect new posts and photos about my explorations around this northern region of Oregon and maybe even more from Washington as well. But no worries, I will still be hiking, running & traveling to show off this beautiful state that I call home!